Tuesday, September 13, 2011


More poetry open to interpretation.

I'm failing to appease,
Sheltered thoughts escape oblivion,
Tread lightly on my knees,
A love like lithium,
Cry for me one last time,
I can't resist your face,
A doubt driven mind,
Kiss my lips to taste,
Now speak a truthful lie,
Listen now to what is said,
Never had a wandering eye,
Nothing uglier than the back of your head.

Rusted Strings

This is just some poetry open to any interpretation. 

In the barren winters of lapsed reason,

          I stumble from folly,

And torment never weakens,

          Rusted strings don't call me,

I bespeak a promise of a stifled wind,

          Mourning for an aged and forgotten tune,

Urgently this message I send,

          Ill gotten memories, will they consume?

Fleeting thoughts leaped from under hint,

         Nostalgia and vague thoughts are bred,

Smiling now to my wonderment,

          I chance knowing what needs said,

You find yourself lost,

         When the truth turns to story,

Blind not seeing the cost,

          It'd be a wasted glory,

Hindered will can be returned,

          It brings many talents,

So much more can be learned,

          Tenacity regains balance.

Glass Please

Glass Please

I start this particular rant in response to a few ongoing arguments I have had regarding the safe, if at all, usage of plastics.

    Plastic has been a major commodity for only, what, the past 70 years? And I'm talking when it became the major ingredient for most products, not when it was invented by Alexander Parkes in 1862. Back then it was made from an organic material derived from cellulose that could be molded , and once heated and cooled would retain the shape. It's when it was replaced with Formaldehyde resins and then eventually with synthetics, that it started getting nasty. Bakelite was the first fully synthetic Phenol Formaldehyde, in case curiosity persists for you.

   People these days have become too complacent and full of the false sense of assurance that everything is permanent, and that we have advanced to a miracle age where we suddenly know everything. How short of a time ago was it that we were suffering from lead exposure from common things like paint, or complications and illnesses from asbestos, and didn't even know about it? So the question I ask is, how can we know the real consequences? Don't you remember hearing in school about entire ancient peoples dying out mysteriously, and it turned out they were using lead in their cookware? From what point of reference can we say that the overall usage of plastic is not effecting us health-wise or developmentally, causing illness and stunting progression physiologically and mentally? My point is, history tells us that we make mistakes, and never can we be sure of anything. I think something this widely used, deserves further investigation and a general awareness of what you are dealing with.

   Now don't get me wrong, plastic is a very handy and wonderful material, provided it doesn't come in direct contact of anything you are going to eat or drink, or even expose yourself to for long periods of time. It has opened the door to many things that were not possible or extremely difficult in the past. So you ask yourself now, how can something so useful be so harmful?

    The BPA's, or Bisphenol A, used in plastic are not only toxic, but easily leached from it. Some of the dangers include but are not limited to mimicking the female hormone estrogen, causing cell mutation and cancer, especially in women. Often the result is breast cancer.

To quote Wiki:

   "Bisphenol A is an endocrine disruptor, which can mimic the body's own hormones and may lead to negative health effects. Early development appears to be the period of greatest sensitivity to its effects, and some studies have linked prenatal exposure to later neurological difficulties. Regulatory bodies have determined safety levels for humans, but those safety levels are currently being questioned or under review as a result of new scientific studies. A 2011 study that investigated the number of chemicals to which pregnant women in the U.S. are exposed found BPA in 96% of women. In 2009, The Endocrine Society released a statement expressing concern over current human exposure to BPA."

   All it takes is a hot, cold, or wet environment for the chemical, or epoxy/resin to be released into food or water. What about chewing? And you mean to tell me ALL baby products are manufactured using plastic now?Being a baby, you're at the most vulnerable developmental stage of your life. It gets worse.

   It has been argued that the levels people are subjected to are lower than those found to be harmful in lab animals. However, it is agreed that the continuous exposure from our day to day usage is problematic. Prolonged exposure may include but is not limited to: Obesity, Neurological disorders, increased risk of cancer, Disruption of the dopaminergic system (resulting in hyperactivity, attention deficits, and a heightened sensitivity to drugs of abuse), Thyroid dysfunction, and sexual and reproductive dysfunction.

Let's quote Wiki again on that one:

    "A 2009 study on Chinese workers in BPA factories found that workers were four times more likely to report erectile dysfunction, reduced sexual desire and overall dissatisfaction with their sex life than workers with no heightened BPA exposure. BPA workers were also seven times more likely to have ejaculation difficulties. They were also more likely to report reduced sexual function within one year of beginning employment at the factory, and the higher the exposure, the more likely they were to have sexual difficulties."

    Even new plastics claiming to be BPA free have been found to contain similar chemicals, with similar effects. So is this really the miracle material? We find it containing our food, holding our water, in most medical equipment, almost all baby bottles and toys, toys in general, and a multitude of other products that will come in direct contact and even be ingested or otherwise entered into your body. Don't you think we should be a little more sure about this before we start making everything out of it?

    Why is it that so many places like Canada and Europe have banned the use of BPA's especially in baby products, yet every time the issue is brought to our congress, it is rejected? If ever I find the answer you'll be the first to know. And right now you may be thinking that this is not found to effect everyone the same way. I guess like smoking or drinking for example. Everyone has heard one of those stories about a Grandpa or Grandma that smoked and drank their whole lives and lived to the ripe old age of 103. And granted I don't have an explanation in the event of the actual occurrence of this, beyond good genetics and an old fashioned positive attitude. Although, this miracle of human longevity may instill in you a false sense of immunity/immortality, try combining a few factors. To start, poor diet, lack of exercise and an overall sedentary lifestyle. Then smoking, drinking alcohol, pesticides in fruit and hormone tampering in livestock, questionable levels of fluoride added to our drinking water, over-medicating, antibiotics in and for everything, too much TV, and an overall lack of diligence. I mean honestly, think of how much of the day you spend sitting compared to 100 years ago? And before you say, “Not me, I work all day,” remember that the next time you're driving somewhere, and what position you're currently in right now while reading this.

    Hopefully you begin to see how dangerous all of this can be. Hopefully you can begin to understand why over the last century and increasingly in recent years, we have seen a drastic rise in cancer, diabetes, neurological disorders ( i.e. Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, Cerebral Palsy, etc.), obesity, heart disease, behavioral changes (like the sudden discovery of ADHD), and many other crippling and disabling disorders.

   Conclusively all I can advise for you is to raise your awareness, pay attention to what is going on around you (and in you), use as little plastic for eating and drinking as possible, and don't microwave it...ever.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

I'm not a Hero, I only saved myself

I'm Not A Hero, I Only Saved Myself

   At least that's what I think about when someone with a good idea doesn't share it. Or someone who complains silently to themselves and does nothing. So begrudgingly I drag myself from my hermit ways to share my point of view. And I have no claim to mastery or that I am even right, but if one has an idea they believe in, and things seem wrong, I think sharing is in order.

   This text has a particular motivation but not a singular point. I'm not sure what my reason could be decisively, excluding venting. Namely, this is because I cannot offer a solution for everyone (just ideas). So in the end the point can be perceived as moot, beyond me just bitching. And let's not confuse this with the self-righteous preaching of the "I'm right, you're wrong" attitude, which would equate this whole piece to little more than masturbation of one's ego. Take it how you want, in the end it's just independent research-derived facts tied together by my own opinion, which I hope is educated.

   On that note I'll get into the first thing bothering me lately. That we speak of global debt as if it were a global plague. If it were as tangible as a world bereft of resources. Money, is not a resource, just an illusory system keeping few in power and the rest under boot. If you do the math you'll realize that if our nation's billionaires all lent just a small portion of their vast wealth, America would be a nation of millionaires. But this would collapse the American dream, or the dream that replaced the prior and now dead dream. Consider that if all became financially independent, the instantaneous change it would produce. There would be absolutely no blue collar foundation to uphold the American machine.

   I can paint all sorts of romantic images of everyone doing their part and working as a team to reach some made-up goal. But the truth is the rich-few are still exploiting the impoverished-many to do the dirty work for them and maintain their level of comfort. Without Billy Broke-ass and Johnny Empty-pockets who would take away your refuse, or fix your car? Who would clean your plates from your table when you eat out? Hell, who would make the food? So in the end you realize where the true value lies. Not in money, but in skills forged through hard work. What distinguishes someone as rich? Not important skills, but the amount of currency they possess? Okay, so what makes the currency valuable? A dollar is supposed to be a reserve note. That means it used to represent an amount of some valuable resource, in this case silver for the United States. In other words this bill was your claim to so much of whatever precious resource. Those days are over and we run off of a system of credit. Yes, our country has a credit rating. And all our presumed wealth is based on our economy and what we have to offer, globally speaking. Yet if the U.S. Dollar loses value guess who just got screwed? Essentially all that paper and coin has little more value than the material it's comprised of if this system fails.

   And the other question is, who really has all the resources, the true valuables? And are we in debt because they are running out? Who do we owe? And seeing that this monetary system is based off of an idea and not a substantial thing, what do we owe and why? You think the Government of a different nation takes a couple truckloads of our currency to their local banks and gets them exchanged? Or is money some sort of token system with a central banking system? What I mean is, if we, for example, run out of steel in America, and then we buy more steel from China. What makes our money valuable to them? What central system is setting the value of this? Wouldn't it make more sense for China to lend us the steel on the promise we pay in kind with some other precious resource. And if we couldn't get the tab we'd be indebted with owing something substantial and useful. So what's really occurring here, and who is manipulating these markets?

    Now we see this all creates dependency. We now have a society unbalanced with the majority being unskilled, lazy, and stupid. Not just stupid, but oblivious. And before you ask "Hey wait-a-minute, who are you talking about?” I mean you, me, all of us who are letting it happen.

   We live under the cleverly crafted guise of a nation reformed and ascended beyond it's past sins of slavery. Yet what is your definition of slavery? Images of forced labor, cracking whips, and toiling in the earth create a fixed and narrow point of view. To me slavery is simple, the absence of freedom. And you say "I make my own choices day in and day out!" Well, at least from the list of options you were given. I'm talking, however, about having your freedom taken on a level unbeknownst to even yourself. The best kind of slave is one who doesn't even see the chains. From the time you are born you are molded to not think for yourself, to conform to this preset value of the norm. Taught by the constant media you are bombarded with to accept only certain things as real and pertinent, and to reject all other notions as silly and uninteresting. And you never really ask yourself why?

   The average person is so dependent on someone else having the expertise to fix their problems that they remain almost like a child. You need Municipal Mommy and Daddy Government to handle it all. Now, not everyone can be a doctor, or a Navy SEAL, but does that mean we shouldn't know how to cook beyond a microwave or change our own oil? Why when you can pay someone 2-3 times as much to do it for you! So we have a generation of practically worthless people. Most now have jobs involving work that have no practical application in the real world. Just another piece of the big money machine keeping us moving down that production line. Here you go little worker ant, have an I-pod and some over sexed music videos. Don't worry about anything, just go check your Facebook and play on your cell phone. Better yet go watch your favorite programming and smoke some pot!

   And mentioning programming reminds me of further irritation. Ever noticed the difference between those who watch a lot of television and those who don't? It's much easier to spot in small children. I personally do not let my children watch television beyond the rare occasion. The human brain is not meant to perceive that many fast changing images and flashing colors, or even sounds, especially at so young of an age. You'll notice a complete lack of awareness of surroundings and a transfixed, almost zombie-like gaze. And that's not the worst part. Instead of learning naturally through trial in error in your environment, you have substituted it with a synthetic one, training your mind to like certain things, think certain ways, and even change your behavior completely. Now detached and atrophied you have an out of whack body, something that, being as complex as it is, I'd think warrants optimal care.

   Are you beginning to understand why we live in a time where ADHD is supposedly rampant? And when that doctor hands your kid or in some cases you that diagnosis you accept it with little question. Are you really understanding cause and effect here? Do you honestly think this is all genetics? So, now you suppress instead of treat the symptoms with medication. Yet nothing is changed as far as environment or habits typically. Are you seeing some sort of cure in a doped up or cracked out kid who can't even be himself anymore that I'm not? If so then send me a clue. Now they find themselves either in that weird “How can I fit in when I'm not even comfortable in my own skin” feeling or your crushing the pills and snorting them with all the other misguided individuals.

   And honestly ADHD is a mild handicap when facing the host of crippling neurological disorders affecting increasingly large numbers. From questionable vaccines to BPA's and pesticides, it seems we aren't given much of a chance. I suppose the poor excuse as to how we can even be legally exposed to any of this is that the low levels are deemed safe enough for consumption/exposure. But what happens when it's in everything you eat, drink, wear, breathe? The weakest are rooted out first, and then even healthy people. And what would you expect with your body being attacked from all fronts. Between the double-quarter pounder you ate, the liter or more of soda you drank, and three or more hours on the X-box, your body is already hurting before it's subjected to the innumerable variety of chemicals in everyday life. To me safe living starts to seem a little more like Russian roulette, and if you're poor, make that roulette with a semi-automatic. Am I the only one who'd like to have just a little more control over what does and doesn't affect my health? Did I miss signing away my rights in some super-secret ninja contract?

   I guess with most of these issues, the average individual remains complacent. Then one day you or one of your loved ones, wakes up with cancer, or multiple sclerosis, finding yourself dying or excruciatingly crippled. It's only when it directly affects you, or you realize that it already has, that you start to give a fuck.

Wake the fuck up.


Hopeful Greetings

      On the valued advice of a trusted friend I am starting this blog. I have no agenda of any sort other than the sharing of my opinion, and any reader's opinion of it. I figure I might as well get this out of the way and say that I am a blunt and honest person, I won't compromise the integrity of my point to save someone's feelings. I, however, won't go out of my way to be mean or ever personally insult someone. I am very critical, generally speaking, though. Do not expect consistency in my posts or for me to stick with one topic. As I said before, I have no agenda. It'd be nice for people to listen, because most of what I have to say, I believe to be practical information with good intentions. Good intentions can find themselves being a dangerous thing at times, but I assure you no harm shall come from my text. I'm not trying to sell you, or buy you for that matter, just trying to raise awareness and cut, as they say, the bullshit.